de beek is a workplace for sustainable food and is constantly looking for alternatives to the supermarket and the consumption-throw-away culture. She calls herself a foodmovementcollective, because she not only thinks, but also does. Together with you.
Every week, volunteers cook with organic harvest surpluses from local farmers for the neighborhood for a free contribution. In addition, we organize days to process the harvest abundance in the summer and store it for the winter. Everyone is welcome in de beek and we open our place to local residents with their own initiatives.
Lastly, we also garden on our own piece of land, het Bloemenbos in Stabroek, to restore the connection with the origin of our food.
Through various activities we try to make people aware and involve them in a more sustainable lifestyle in the city.
Organisation Source
Van Diepenbeekstraat 22
Antwerpen 2018
Official Source
22-glv Van Diepenbeeckstraat
Anvers 2018