Let's work together for a better society, each according to our desires and strengths!
- Are you involved in a good cause? Showcase your activities!
- Looking to support a good cause? Find the one that's right for you!
- Want to analyse good causes? Find the data you need!

I'm a good cause
Promote your work through because.
because aims to promote good causes and highlight your work and projects by being the most comprehensive and transparent showcase possible. Through its interactive platform, because offers visitors a unique and attractive experience for seeking out and supporting good causes, while at the same time being the most reliable catalogue on the sector in Belgium.
Thanks to this catalogue, because increases the transparency of the data and operations of organisations. The legitimacy of their social objectives and the added value they bring to society are thus consolidated.
Trust is a key value for because, which is why the data filled in by the organisations themselves is given greater prominence than official data.
Are you a good cause? Fill in your details by logging on to the because website. This form mentions the name of your organisation, its company number, its mission, its activities, its contact details and specifies whether you are looking for volunteers. Organisations can validate the content of their profile themselves. This information can be changed at any time if necessary.
I'm looking for a good cause
Would you like to get involved as a volunteer to support a good cause in an area close to your heart?
As a donor, are you thinking of providing financial or material support to a good cause that is close to your own commitment and shares your values?
Are you part of an association or foundation and looking for information on other organisations that share your missions or are geographically close to you, with a view to collaboration or partnership?
because can help you find all the information you need to support meaningful projects. Thanks to its comprehensive, reliable, easy-to-use and free database.
You'll find information on the missions, activities, location, target audience, staff, volunteers and financial situation of thousands of organisations in Belgium. The information is updated automatically.
I analyse the right causes
because's database, the Social Profit DataTrust, offers a complete overview of the social profit sector in Belgium. It is updated automatically on the basis of official data sources. because offers a unique mapping of the sector, with detailed information on each structure (missions, activities, location, target audience, number of staff and volunteers, financial situation).
because gives public authorities at all levels, as well as academics, a precise idea of what social profit organisations exist in the country and enables them to carry out analysis and research based on high-quality data.