About because

"because, it matters” because commitment counts!

You'll find everything about and for good causes in one place.

  • What is because?
  • Objectives
  • Values
  • Who is because for?
  • Which organisations can use it?

What is because?

because is a website of the King Baudouin Foundation, an independent Foundation of public utility.
because is the most comprehensive and reliable showcase for the social profit sector in Belgium. The database provides free, clear, accurate and easily accessible information on more than 30,000 organisations in Belgium. The data is based on official sources and is updated automatically.  
On because you'll find information, figures and news about good causes in Belgium.  As a good cause, you can fill in your profile in our database free of charge.

helping hands

Visibility, transparency and inspiration

The objectives of because:

  • To facilitate the involvement of volunteers and potential donors, who can find all the information they need about the good causes that are important to them and/or about organisations close to home.
  • Highlight good causes, providing a platform for promoting their activities and strengthening the legitimacy and accountability of organisations in the sector.
  • Present a complete and transparent overview of the social profit sector. This 360-degree panorama provides the research sector and public authorities with comprehensive data for relevant analysis. What's more, this reliable showcase strengthens the legitimacy and accountability of the non-profit and foundation sector.



The official data is updated automatically and any organisation can fill in and modify its file free of charge. The database at the source of because is the Social Profit DataTrust. This is a database containing detailed and reliable public information on the social profit sector. In all, it contains over 70,000 references. This information comes from three official sources

  • The Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE), which includes data such as the name of the company, its date of creation, its legal form, etc.

  • The National Bank of Belgium (NBB), which records the financial situation of companies, their balance sheet and their turnover

  • The National Social Security Office (ONSS/RSZ), which lists the number of full-time and part-time employees, etc.

poignée de main

Stimulating commitment

Stimulate commitment as a volunteer or donor. because is part of one of the King Baudouin Foundation's missions, which is to stimulate and encourage all types of commitment. Whether it's those who get involved in civil society by creating organisations working for the general interest, those who want to give money or their time for a good cause, or those who want to represent, analyse and defend this sector, becauseis there to support all these initiatives, from the smallest to the largest. 


Independence and ethics

The organisations on the because site are there since they have been selected on the basis of several factors: their legal form, their activities and their missions. because is neutral and independent in its selection. Being listed in the catalogue in no way implies a label of quality or trust. The King Baudouin Foundation has not verified the value of these organisations. In the interests of independence and ethics, all organisations meeting these criteria are included and none is given priority over another; they are all on an equal footing.

The unincorporated associations are the only segment of the social profit sector not included in the DataTrust, as they are not required to be registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises.

Ethics is a very important subject for because. If you come across an organisation on the site that does not correspond to the values of general interest, or if you think it is lacking, please do not hesitate to report it to [email protected].



Increasing transparency about the data and operations of organisations in the sector. The vast database on these organisations contributes to the transparency of the sector. The legitimacy of these organisations derives from their social objectives and the added value they bring to society.
It is precisely to consolidate this legitimacy that transparency and accountability are so important, particularly with regard to partners, sponsors, donors and volunteers. because chooses to trust organisations by allowing them to update their data and make their own changes to the official data. Transparency is also ensured by clearly identifying the sources behind each piece of data.


Who is because for?

Who is because for?



Volunteers who are looking for an association or foundation to get involved with, close to their values, in a particular field, or close to home...



Donors who wish to support an organisation by making a financial donation or who are looking for information on philanthropy.

playing children

Associations, foundations and other good causes

For organisations wishing to present themselves as reliable partners to their partners, patrons, donors, volunteers, etc. Because enhances their profile and strengthens their legitimacy. It also enables them to easily find information on other organisations that share the same missions or the same geographical area, with the prospect of a collaboration or partnership, for example.


Academia and public authorities

because provides free access to an exhaustive, detailed and reliable database, updated automatically. Thanks to Social Profit DataTrust, it is now possible to map the sector in an effective and relevant way.


Which organisations are included in the catalogue?


  • Organisations with the following legal forms: Public utility Foundation, non-profit association, project association, private foundation, non-profit institution, scientific organisation, social purpose company and cooperative, all insofar as they have social activities (based on a selection of NACE activity codes)
  • Organisations that are social in nature and pursue an objective of general interest
  • Organisations that are the result of private initiative and are institutionally distinct from public authorities


NOT included 

  • Organisations that distribute profits to their members or directors for personal enrichment
  • Organisations whose mission or activities run counter to human rights
  • Organisations whose activities are exclusively religious.
  • Schools and universities.
  • Political organisations
  • Professional federations that defend the interests of commercial members
  • Public bodies
  • Funds of King Baudouin Foundation

Free Services 

The services provided by because are entirely free, both for publishing and consulting information about good causes.