
At the source of because, the Social Profit DataTrust

The Social Profit DataTrust is a database that has been several years in the making. The DataTrust includes data on the social profit sector in Belgium: non-profit organisations, foundations, social economy enterprises, etc. This information comes from official sources and is updated automatically.

The DataTrust is the heart of the because site, providing data on 30,000 organisations in the social profit sector in Belgium. By way of comparison, the former Bonnescauses site, on which organisations registered themselves in the database, contained 7,000 references.

Social Profit DataTrust

Social Profit DataTrust information sources

The Datatrust brings together data mainly from three official sources:

By pooling these data, we now have comprehensive, structured information on the social profit sector in Belgium that is easily accessible to everyone. The social profit sector is a broad sector that includes non-profit organisations, foundations, cooperatives, health mutual, health care, education, social services, culture, leisure, sports, social economy organisations, etc.

By compiling these three sources of data, the DataTrust brings together 140,000 references. The because site has selected companies of general interest from this global database. The selection was made on the basis of the companies' legal form and activity code. Of the 140,000 Datatrust references, because has selected 50,000, enabling the site to offer the most representative overview possible of what exists in Belgium in the social profit sector.

Unincorporated associations are the only segment of the social profit sector that is not included in DataTrust, since they are not obliged to be registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises, nor to render accounts to the National Bank of Belgium, and are not included by the National Social Security Office if they only work with volunteers.

However, if the unincorporated associations wish so, they can be included in the because database via a registration form on the website.

The DataTrust partners

The DataTrust was developed at the initiative of the King Baudouin Foundation in partnership with other organisations representing the social profit sector:

  • Bruxeo (cross-sectoral confederation of employers representing the social profit sector and its enterprises – associations- in Brussels) 

  • ConcertES (platform representing the social economy federations in Wallonia and Brussels) 

  • UNIPSO (cross-sectoral confederation of employers representing the social profit sector and its enterprises - non-profit associations - In Wallonia and the French-speaking community in Belgium) 

  • Unisoc (cross-sectoral representative confederation of all the Belgian social-profit employers at national level) 

  • Verso (Interprofessional employers' federation for social enterprises in Flanders)



Social Profit DataTrust

Looking for structured data?

The Social Profit DataTrust Fund is a data fund with the following objectives

  • Pool, structure and centralize data relating to the social profit sector on a long-term basis
  • Secure and facilitate access to this data for its partners
  • Improve the visibility of the social profit sector
  • Facilitate the sharing and use of this data for the general interest and the academic world
  • Provide shared data intelligence tools
  • Inspire other similar European initiatives

With the aim of helping projects of general interest, the Social Profit DataTrust provides, under certain conditions, free access to its open data for research and analysis.

Do you have a question? Send an e-mail to [email protected] 
