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About this organisation


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As outlined in the decree on the recognition of Flemish Sign Language (05/05/2006), the Flemish Sign Language Centre (Vlaams Gebarentaalcentrum, VGTC) serves as a knowledge and expertise centre with the following missions: 

1. To contribute to the knowledge of Flemish Sign Language through its own scientific research and by coordinating, encouraging and supporting scientific research conducted by others;
2. To undertake actions for the development of Flemish Sign Language and to support initiatives by other organisations;
3. To actively disclose applied scientific research and knowledge of Flemish Sign Language to the deaf community, the wider society and the academic world;
4. To serve as an information centre and point of contact for national and international stakeholders and interested parties on all matters related to Flemish Sign Language. 

For more information, please visit our website.


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    Official Source
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    2 Sint-Andriesstraat
    Anvers 2000

    In pictures

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    Juridical Form

    Non-profit organization



    Date of creation


    Main Office

    Financials & Employment


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      Official Source
      Comes from official sources
      Full time equivalent
      10 - 19


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