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Provide education for sustainable poverty reduction across the world.

We know that education is the key to ending poverty and achieving sustainable positive change. Children can only learn effectively in a safe, secure and loving environment.

Stichting Wereld Dorpen voor Kinderen / Opération Terre des Enfants supports the education programmes of the Sisters of Mary to run live-in schools for the most deprived boys and girls across the world.

In the Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Honduras and Tanzania we provide equitable access to education for boys and girls and fund school places and all the daily care needed for nearly 20,000 of the world’s most deprived children each year.

Alongside a strong academic foundation, the children learn the vocational and social skills they need to find employment, gain confidence and self-respect.

Above all they experience the joy of a childhood free from fear and the chance of a future free from poverty for themselves and their loved ones.

In Belgium, Stichting Wereld Dorpen voor Kinderen / Opération Terre des Enfants aims to provide information and education on poverty and on humanitarian and educational actions to help people suffering from extreme poverty.


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    +32 2 230 16 37
    Official Source
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    Bruxelles 1000

    In pictures

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    Numbers & Establishment(s)

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    Juridical Form

    Public utility foundation



    Date of creation


    Main Office


    Comes from official sources
    Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c.

    Financials & Employment


      Comes from official sources


      292 322 €


      341 633 €

      Profit / Loss

      -29 964 €

      Fiscal Year : 2023


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        Full time equivalent
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        Comes from official sources
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        1 - 5


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        Helping children escape poverty by supporting quality education in 6 countries

        In our schools in the Philippines, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil and Tanzania, more than 20,000 boys and girls benefit from high-quality secondary education and vocational training to ensure that, after completing their studies, they can quickly find a job, become independent and provide for their families and local communities.

        Opération Terre des Enfants mainly finances the salaries of teachers and medical staff, the children's food, school equipment, clothing and everyday items needed by children in boarding schools.

        Each year we also fund a number of specific projects in each country, which help to keep the quality of education as high as possible.
        We study the needs of each school, which informs us of the requirements and budgets needed for the regular renewal of teaching materials, the renovation of classrooms or dormitories, sustainable investments for greater energy efficiency.... and we decide with other international donors which projects Belgium can finance.

        In 2023, for example, we contributed to the following specific projects:
        - In Adlas, Boystown in the Philippines: upgrading of mechatronics from NCII to NCIII and NC IV
        - In Biga, Girlstown in the Philippines: purchase of new mattresses
        - In Minglanilla, Boystown in the Philippines: purchase of new pillows
        - In Brasilia, Girlstown in Brazil: purchase of history and geography textbooks
        - At the Girlstown in Guatemala: creation of a virtual library.
        - At the Boystown in Guatemala: modernisation of the electronics workshop.
        - At the Girlstown in Tegucigalpa, Honduras: financing of musical instruments for the orchestra that contributes to healthy leisure activities.
        - At the Girlstown in Tanzania: financing the equipment needed for the new science laboratory (physics, chemistry and biology).
        Detailed information, news and photos are available on our website and on our social networks.

        Rapport d'Activités 2022 FR_0


        Tanzania, a new Boystown in Dodoma

        The aim of this project is to provide young teenagers in the poorest regions of Tanzania with secondary education and vocational training, as well as safe accommodation, three balanced meals a day and health care. Without our support, these boys would not be able to continue their education.
        Through education, these boys will be able to find good jobs that will enable them to support their families and break the cycle of poverty definitively. They will belong to the middle class and will be able to provide sustainable development solutions for their local communities and their country.
        As we developed our new projects in Dar es Salaam for girls and young women living in extreme poverty, we noticed a growing demand from young boys for them to also be given a chance to access secondary education and vocational training.
        A large plot of land was donated in Dodoma, in the north of Tanzania, and we began building a Boystown, similar to the Girlstown in Dar es Salaam.
        The official inauguration of this new Village took place on 21 September 2023.
        Since September, 109 young boys have been receiving secondary education and vocational training while living in the Boystown. They all belong to the poorest of the poor and come from all regions of the country.
        We support these students on a day-to-day basis. In the meantime, we are continuing to expand the project. The aim is also to reach a capacity of 1,000 students, as for the Girlstown. Around a hundred more children could be admitted each year until full capacity is reached.
        Detailed information, news and photos are available on our website.

        Boystown Dodoma


        Tanzania : a new Training Centre and a nursery

        The vocational training centre and nursery school meet the needs of young unemployed women in the region.

        For these young women, the lack of education is a major obstacle to finding stable work and a regular income. Unfortunately, the pandemic has exacerbated their difficult situation, with many being forced into marriage by their poor families and now having to bring up their children at an early age, making access to education impossible.
        In January 2022, the Sisters of Mary, in collaboration with Opération Terre des Enfants and other international partners, launched a training centre for young women and a nursery school in Tanzania.
        In September 2023, in the new three-storey multi-purpose centre, 100 unemployed and unskilled young women from the poorest areas of Dar es Salaam are being trained as dressmakers or cooks.
        Meanwhile, young children are being looked after in a nursery school attached to the training centre. 150 pre-school children are being cared for and educated at our Kiluvya day centre in September 2023.
        Detailed information, news and photos are available on our website.

        Training Centre Kiluvya FR


        Do you want to support this organisation?

        There are many ways to help children escape extreme poverty and build their future. Here are just a few of them. More information on each of these options is available on our website

        • Help with a gift You can make a one-off donation or you can decide to support a child's schooling by making a monthly donation by direct debit. Donations of €40 or more are tax-deductible.
        • Help out as a volunteer For example by doing translation work, helping to spread the word about our projects through your social networks or encouraging civic engagement among young people in Belgium through activities in schools and youth clubs.
        • Help with your family celebrations ask to support a child at a birth, birthday or even a funeral; or organise an event and have a good time with your family, friends, colleagues or neighbours while raising funds for one of our students.
        • Help with your company (social responsibility) through corporate sponsorship. Various options are available on our website.
        • Help with your Will By including Opération Terre des Enfants in your Will, you can change the lives of these children and give them a future.

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