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About this organisation


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The University of Namur (formerly FUNDP) was founded by the Jesuits in 1831. It is renowned for its values, educational excellence and pioneering research. The close proximity of Namur's faculties has always encouraged the development of original projects carried out within interdisciplinary research centers and institutes, providing answers to societal challenges. Our scientists are active in fields such as health (cancer research, neurodegenerative diseases), animal welfare, sustainable development, new technologies, as well as heritage, art and history, ethics and law. 

Caring for others is part of our university's DNA. It can be seen in the attention we pay to students, in the attention we pay to most vulnerable groups in teaching (inclusion policies) and research (ageing, disability...) and by a close connection with the world around us. 

Supporting UNamur means giving more resources to an institution with a heart and enabling us to fulfill our mission of societal innovation.


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    Official Source
    Comes from official sources

    Namur 5000

    In pictures

    Modified by organisation

    Numbers & Establishment(s)

    Comes from official sources

    Entreprise number


    Juridical Form

    Non-profit organization



    Date of creation


    Main Office


    Comes from official sources
    Silviculture and other forestry activities
    Silviculture and other forestry activities
    Operation of arts facilities
    Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits
    Raising of dairy cattle
    Raising of dairy cattle
    Tertiary education
    Tertiary education
    Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits

    Financials & Employment


      Comes from official sources


      133 808 422 €


      226 988 278 €

      Profit / Loss

      -369 221 €


      1 710 608 €

      Fiscal Year : 2023


        Modified by organisation
        Full time equivalent
        Looking for volunteers ?
        Official Source
        Comes from official sources
        Full time equivalent
        More than 1000


        Modified by organisation

        Do you want to support this organisation?

        Through your gift or donation, you will be helping the University of Namur in its missions around research, education, innovation and discovery. Whatever your gesture, it means a great deal to us, and we thank you for it.

        UNamur is entitled to receive donations, gifts and bequests at an advantageous tax rate.Donations are 45% tax-deductible in Belgium. 

        Send your donation online to the projects of your choice on

        Make a donation by bank transfer to UNamur's account IBAN: BE92 3500 0000 0123 (BIC: BBRUBEBB) and mention, in communication with your transfer: DON + 5847850 + the name of the project you wish to support.

        All information on bequests is available here :

        Do you have a question? Contact our team and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

        Morgane Belin, Sponsorship, Donations and Legacy Manager

        [email protected] 


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