Hobo is a daycentre for homeless people in Brussels, Belgium. The definition of a daycentre is very minimal: It is a place were homeless people can be during the day, use a toilet, a telephone, get some administratif and social guidance and get something to drink. It should also provide ‘1 aid for daily life’ that can go from providing a meal, a laundryservice to social-cultural activities.
Hobo was established around 30 years ago around the idea that homeless people, sheltered in different organisations in Brussels, should have a place to connect with others. A place with a low threshold, were they could go and keep going to, even if their stay in another centre had ended (for better or for worse). Hobo intended to be a safe haven, a place where people could participate, find a second home, and meaningfull connections. Where people could develop themselves and have worthwhile occupations. The complementarity with other existing centres was key. We would try to offer services other centres wouldn’t, and together provide a holistic approach where the person, not the situation, is central.
Those ideas have not changed, even though the way we do it, has changed a lot in those 30 years (and it probably will in the futur also). At this moment Hobo organised itself around 4 main objectives.
1. Low threshold reception/centre.
We are open at least 5 days a week, sometimes more. People can come for a quick question, a quick word, advice, to use the telephone, the toilets etc. Between 50 and 100 people every day use this low threshold centre.
- Guidance towards work
Every year, between 120 and 150 people get individual assistance towards finding a job.
- Activities
Every week Hobo organises around 15 activities for its targetgroup. Sports, Creative ateliers, language-initiations, events, theatre, etc. Between 1000 and 1500 people participate at those activities every year.
- Oriëntation
Helping people find their way to services, to networks, to activities, to guidance etc.
Organisation Source
Official Source
Bruxelles 1000