Cinemaximiliaan is a pop-up cinema for and with newcomers in Belgium. We started in an improvised refugee camp at the Maximiliaan park in Brussels with daily film screenings. Cinemaximiliaan quickly grew to become a vast network of volunteers, mainly filmmakers, artists and cinephiles, amongst them many newcomers. Cinemaximiliaan offers a ‘living room', showing films in various remote asylum centers around Belgium on a regular basis, where there is a need for distraction and cultural exchange. We also organise many events, film screenings in real cinemas and at people's homes, music and dance performances, debates, lectures, masterclasses and exhibitions. The aim is to welcome newcomers to take part and to help shape cultural life in Belgium in direct dialogue with the artistic community. It offers space for many encounters and occasions through which newcomers can continue their path in a new homeland.
Bron: Organisatie
Th?odore Verhaegenstraat 18 bus 6
Sint-Gillis 1060
Officiële Oorsprong
Sint-Jans-Molenbeek 1080